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採取我們的公路旅行指南,看看一天中最重要的事情。駕車路線始於羅斯城堡(Ross Castle)的基拉尼國家公園(Killarney National Park),繼續前往馬克·羅斯之家(Muck Ross House),然後步行不遠即可到達Torc Waterfall。從公園駛出後,我們進入山丘,在Ladies View上欣賞湖泊和國家公園的全景,並停下來享用早午餐。沿著肯梅爾灣(Kenmare Bay)擁抱海岸線,有很多地方可以停下來欣賞美景。到達公園廣場最遠的地方之一,我們可以看到斯凱利格·邁克爾(Skellig Michael)(儘管陰雲密布),這是《星球大戰:最後的絕地武士》(Star Wars The Last Jedi)的著名拍攝地點仍然可以從100米外的地方獲得一些好的照片。它也靠近Leacanabuaile石堡。在山頂上,您可以欣賞到該地區和城堡的全景。在開車前往丁格爾過夜之前,我們花了大約9個小時才開車。從那裡,我們將參觀Slea Head Drive,並看一下它與Kerry環的比較。有太多的事情要做。我們僅向您展示了少量內容,並且確實堅持了這條路線。您需要幾天時間才能探索半島中心的所有景點。

哪一個更令人嘆為觀止的Slea Head Drive或Kerry Ring?在丁格爾(Dingle)鎮度過了一個夜晚,我們不得不感受愛爾蘭的魅力和傳統。色彩繽紛的商店,酒吧和B&B使其成為一個令人興奮和愉快的住宿地點。加入我們的Ding Mack's Dingle酒館喝些酒,然後在An Droichead Beag結束夜晚,欣賞一些手腳踢手風琴音樂和健力士音樂。第二天早晨,我們沿順時針方向開始行駛,我們擁抱海岸線,不久便到達了法罕和蜂巢小屋。有兩個停車位,第二個停車位較大,如果您在旅途中需要洗手間,則設施要好一些。 (可能是完成Slea Head Drive之前的最後一站)道路開始切入懸崖面,狹窄的蜿蜒小路開始變得充滿挑戰,尤其是當您遇到向另一方向駛來的汽車時。在各個停車點,可以同時停放幾輛汽車。 Slea Head Cross就是其中之一。渡輪入口附近的鄧金(Dunquin)在崎coast的海岸上有一些令人驚嘆的步行道。在Slea Head路線上繞行,沿輪渡指示牌行駛,您很快就會到達!總的來說,您可以繞一個小時左右行駛,但由於需要停下來,因此預計至少要花3到4個小時才能達到這個驚人的速度。回到丁格爾(Dingle),還有第二個景點,許多遊客在遊覽中會忘記或看不到它。康納(Conor)通行證。從丁格爾(Dingle)向北行駛,您開始迅速攀爬山丘,當您超過2000英尺時,您的耳朵很快就會突然跳起來。美好的一天(我們的天氣很糟糕),康納爾山口(Conor Pass)提供了整個愛爾蘭的全景。最重要的提示:不要只是停在頂端再回到丁格爾(Dingle),將驅動器一直向下推,直到它重新加入Camp附近的N86。你不會後悔的!

Blarney Castle in Blarney village is probably the most famous of Ireland's great castles. Myths and legends surround the Castle and the Blarney Stone. In this video, we'll share its history and past and find out why so many come to Blarney to kiss the famous stone. We'll give you helpful tips and transport information to get the most out of your visit. There is much more to do in Blarney than just visit the castle and we'll take a walk around this charming village and see some of the sights. You certainly can make a day of it! If you want to book tickets for Blarney Castle this can be done in advance here: Note that we visited in winter (December) During peak season the queue to kiss the Blarney Stone can be up to 90 minutes!

Ireland has some amazing scenic drives and in this video, we share 3 wonderful scenic drives in County Kerry you won't want to miss when you visit. Scenic Drive 1 Gap of Dunloe, and incredible winding mountain pass in the heart of the Ring of Kerry. Scenic Drive 2 Slea Head Drive on the Dingle Peninsula, a wonderful narrow coastal route providing great views of the Atlantic Ocean and islands off the west coast of Ireland. Scenic Drive 3 Conor Pass, is the highest mountain pass in Ireland with incredible panoramic views and a waterfall to visit.

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